
New UV rating system UV rating index Restore the rays About visible light Download Lighting Guide

Ultraviolet light Visible light Infrared light / heat
Reptile UVB100
Reptile UVB100
Lineare Leuchtstoffröhren 
Reptile UVB100
Reptile UVB100
Reptile UVB150
Reptile UVB150
Lineare Leuchtstoffröhren 
Reptile UVB150
Reptile UVB150
Reptile UVB200
Reptile UVB200
Lineare Leuchtstoffröhren 
Reptile UVB200
Reptile UVB200
Solar Glo
Solar Glo
Turtle UVB Bulb
Turtle UVB Bulb
Solar Glo halogen spot
Solar Glo
Halogen Spot 
Lineare Leuchtstoffröhrens
Lineare Leuchtstoffröhrens
Natural Light Lineare Leuchtstoffröhren
Natural Light
Lineare Leuchtstoffröhren 
Night Heat Bulb
Night Heat Bulb
Solar Glo
Solar Glo
Intense Basking Spot
Intense Basking
Swamp Basking Spot
Swamp Basking
Reptile Vision
Reptile Vision
Daylight Basking Spot
Daylight Basking
Natural Light ION
Natural Light ION
Infrared Basking Spot
Infrared Basking
Daytime Heat Bulb
Daytime Heat
Halogen Basking Spot
Halogen Basking
Natural Light
Natural Light
Solar Glo
Solar Glo
Daylight Basking Spot
Daylight Basking
Infrared Basking Spot
Infrared Basking
Daytime Heat Bulb
Daytime Heat
Halogen Basking Spot
Halogen Basking
Night Heat Bulb
Night Heat Bulb
Solar Glo halogen spot
Solar Glo Halogen Spot
Intense Basking Spot
Intense Basking
Swamp Basking Spot
Swamp Basking

Green reptile

"The sun, with all those planets revolving around it and dependent on it, can still ripen a bunch of grapes as if it had nothing else in the universe to do."

Galileo Galilei (1564)
Lighting Table

Without the sun's energy, all life on earth would cease to exist. It is by the sun's energy that all life forces are driven. Without it, our planet would quickly radiate away its own energy in short order, making all life extinct.

Although light is much more complex, there are only three facets of light that are important for reptile husbandry: ultraviolet light, visible light and infrared light. In order to create these three biological aspects of sunlight artificially, Exo Terra has developed several specialized lights. Reptiles require appropriate and high quality lighting in order to meet certain different metabolic needs.

As it is almost impossible to accommodate all of these needs in a single light source, a combination of different light sources is necessary in most cases. The table above will help you in making the right lighting choice.

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3. Entdeckung einer bis dato unbekannten Art während der Exo Terra Expedition