Exo Terra Symposien

Amphibian Symposium 2012 - Friday, August 17, 2012 - Daytona Beach, USA

New: Gecko Symposium videos

Gute Neuigkeiten für Gecko-Fans! Wir haben gerade besonderes Filmmaterial veröffentlicht, das bei dem Exo Terra Gecko-Symposium letzten August aufgenommen wurde.

Crested Gecko Symposium 2013

In association with the National Reptile Breeders Expo
August 2013 - Daytona Beach, USA
>> Info

Amphibian Symposium 2012

In association with the National Reptile Breeders Expo
August 2012 - Daytona Beach, USA
>> Info

35th International Herpetological Symposium

July 25-28, 2012 - Hanover, Maryland USA
>> Info

Australian Herpetological Symposium 2011: Rare and Endangered

October 2011 - Sydney, Australia
>> Info

Gecko Symposium 2011

In association with the National Reptile Breeders Expo
August 2011 - Daytona Beach, USA
>> Info & Videos

2010 TTPG Conference

1st Annual Turtle and Tortoise Preservation Group Conference on Captive Care and Breeding
of Turtles and Tortoises.
November 2010 - Phoenix, AZ, USA
>> Info

Chameleon Symposium

August 2010 - Daytona Beach, Florida, USA
>> Info

Exo Terra Symposium 2008

February 2008 - Tierpark Bochum, Germany
>> Info

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3. Entdeckung einer bis dato unbekannten Art während der Exo Terra Expedition